Rebrand a short-term event and create promotional materials: Vinestock Wine, Beer and Art Festival. Truly handcrafted wine, beer and art is a highly regarded trait when it comes to such festivals. This high-spirited festival is rooted in its historic location and remains harmonious within nature and the surrounding area. Rougher, stylistically handmade elements hone in on the character of the festival. Materials created include a new logo, poster, light post banners, digital newsletter, taste-testing glass, event wayfinding signage and mobile app. (2017)
Design Brief Summary
Vinestock is a fast-growing small-town event that attracts 80 plus wine, beer, food and art vendors combined and over 4,000 visitors for the one-day annual event. The event is known to bring in an audience varying in demographics and lifestyles. A greater appeal to the target audience (21-plus crowd) is necessary, as the old logo does not communicate effectively, it's not age-appropriate (immature), has low contrast in color hues, and it does not incorporate the new beer category, only a pictorial reference to wine.
The new logo and rebrand:
Event Poster
Digital Newsletter Layout
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