This logo and brand identity is for a landmark and associated (fictional) historical organization: Palisades State Park near Garretson, SD. I wanted to capture the essence of the rock formations in the logo, as well as represent the river that carved these formations through blue visual elements. Identity collateral includes a business card, envelope, letterhead, tri-fold brochure, thank you gift box, website and photography. (2017)
Design Brief Summary
Palisades Preservation Society works to conserve Palisades State Park and the spectacular rock formations that bring in thousands of tourists annually. This organization's mission is to keep connections to the area's past to enrich its future.
This organization aims to keep the South Dakota state gem (Sioux quartzite) the leading feature of the park; the brand is synonymous to the environment in which it protects, and adapts to stay relevant to the audience.
The logo and brand:
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